Pozvánka na webinář k Open Access pro knihovníky

A librarian’s road map to open access


Snímek obrazovky 2016-02-12 v 18.01.24

It’s common to hear that we are in a transitional phase when it comes to open access (OA) publishing at the moment.

But it’s not always clear how we will reach a fully open access environment, what this environment might look like and what it might mean for scholarly research.

This webinar will draw insights from a librarian survey we ran in 2015 to help librarians and information specialists working in chemistry and related subjects feel confident about open access.


We’ll discuss its background and the latest policy developments and general levels of use to strengthen your library’s position as a source of useful information on the subject.



Register to gain a deeper understanding of:


  • the historical and political context of scholarly publishing


  • funder and other policy requirements for open access. We’ll cover HEFCE and RCUK in the UK, Horizon2020 in Europe and NIH in the USA


  • the developing models of OA, including gold, green and hybrid


  • Jisc support services for OA


  • social media and OA, including the use of Altmetrics (alternative metrics) as potential indicators of impact beyond the traditional readership of scholarly material


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