The last two weeks have been very active for the members of the group, and we are pleased to announce that we have two new books in our collection, one showcasing good practices in open facilitation and another showcasing good practices in the use of data as OER.
The first one is the Open Facilitator Handbook, coordinated by Carol Yeager & Chrissi Netantzi, which aims to bring together a variety of facilitation practices, reflections and experiences in open educational settings. These will enable us to gain a deeper insight into the current challenges as well as opportunities linked to open facilitation, facilitator presence and engagement but also develop effective strategies and facilitation models. As a handbook it can only grow with active community support and contributions and we hope that we will work together to make this happen.
You can find out more about the Open Facilitator Project at and access the Open Facilitator Handbook at We hope that you will see this as an open invitation and an opportunity to share your experience and expertise around open facilitation and capture your related thoughts, practices, dilemmas and ideas within the book. If you wan to participate in the development of the Open Facilitator Handbook, please consider sharing your facilitation story on the project site at
The second one, is a book edited by Leo Havemann and myself, called Open Data as Open Educational Resources: Case studies of emerging practice which presents five case studies from different disciplines, countries and approaches in the use of open data. The first case from Scuola di OpenCoesione in Italy, and has been written by Chiara Ciociola and Luiggi Reggi. The second one is by Tim Coughlan from the Open University, UK. The third case was written by Katie Shamash, Juan Pablo Alperin & Alessandra Bordini from Simon Fraser University, Canada. The fourth case is authored by Alan Dix from Talis and University of Birmingham, UK, and Geoffrey Ellis from University of Konstanz, Germany and finally, the fifth case, is presented by Virginia Power from University of the West of England, UK. If you are using open data in teaching and learning, please contact us, as hope to keep building on the stories.
Javiera Atenas
Dr. Javiera Atenas
HEA Fellow
UCL School of Management
Gower St, London, WC1E 6BT